Make sure you file the mandatory new report required for LLCs (even small ones): It's called the Beneficial Ownership Information Report (BOIR). Everything you need to know, so that you can:
Get your mandatory filing completed, quickly and for free
Avoid $500/day penalties up to $10,000 and 2 years in prison.
Avoid malicious scams and phishing.
Share with your friends so they too can avoid scams and get their mandatory report filed, for free.
A new law went into effect in January of 2024 and affects small business owners with an LLC: The Corporate Transparency Act.
I made this short course for you so you can learn more about this law, why it’s actually a good thing and how you can comply to avoid fines (& jail).
The report is free, easy, and I guide you through it with a video of ME filing my own BOIR on the FinCEN website.
What you're getting:
A straightforward checklist to guide you through the new law, and get your BOI report filed quickly and for free
A video walkthrough of how to file the report.
Bonus resources for more information about the Corporate Transparency Act
Free and easy (it only takes 30 minutes including completing your own BOIR filing)
I’m an Enrolled Agent, (which is an IRS-licensed tax expert) a speaker, and a writer. And I've been a practicing artist for over 15 years. I've been invited to speak about artist's taxes by dozens of organizations including RISD, Cornell and The Boston Foundation.
I’ve been a working artist for over 15 years. And everything good that has happened in my art career has come from my fellow artists. I started Sunlight Tax to give back to the creative community that has nurtured me. When artists stop making work, the reason is usually financial. In this era of mistrust and breakdown, artists have work to do - we’re the ones who create connections, bridge divides, inspire people and call them to action, and we help people envision a world as it could be. So when I’m able to give other creative people the money tools they need to be financially stable, I’m supporting this critical work. I’m here to say that the world needs you right now. But also: You need a retirement fund. My mission with Sunlight Tax is to give you the financial security tools you need to take big risks and kick ass.
+ A video walkthrough me filing my own Beneficial Ownership Information Report (BOIR) on the FinCEN website. Follow along as I navigate it in under 10 minutes.
+ A detailed written checklist of the information you need to know about the Corporate Transparency Act
+ Quick link to file your BOIR Form at the FinCEN Website.
+ Additional resources to give you more information about the new tax law.