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Hannah Cole, Enrolled Agent


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Hannah is a tax expert who specializes in working with creative people and their businesses. Though she’s worked at a couple “buttoned-up” tax firms in New York, she loves bringing her tax skills to the aid of the creative world. Her passion for helping creative businesses began when she was an Account Executive and Interactive Producer for a New York interactive design agency, where she saw the struggles and triumphs from the inside. 

A long-time working artist with a high-level exhibition history, the financial challenges of freelancers and small creative businesses are both relevant and personal to Hannah. And she knows that describing tax concepts in jargon-free language is always a good thing.

Hannah delivers engaging tax education that is art-world savvy and empowering. She's not just a numbers person, she's an artist, too. Hannah is the creator and host of the Sunlight podcast, where she discusses taxes, money and career issues for creative people. She regularly gives workshops and appears as a guest on other podcasts, and you can find links to some of them on this page. Her forthcoming book, Taxes for Humans: Decomplicate Your Taxes and Change the World When You're Self-Employed, is published by Wiley, and will be in bookstores in fall '25. If you’d like to find out more about Hannah’s tax talks and professional speaking events, click here.

If you want to learn more about taxes for creative people, you can read her blog or her column in Hyperallergic. And you can sign up here if you want her blog posts delivered to your inbox.

Five Things About Hannah

  1. She’s an NPR nerd, and she’s got the tote bag to prove it.

  2. Hannah grew up in a family of scientists and artists, so she knows that logic and creativity can play well together.

  3. Mud. It’s one of her favorite things! Hannah has been doing pottery for 22 years, and she believes that the art of throwing pots attracts good people. To this day, she’s never met a potter she didn’t like.

  4. One of her lifetime highlights was crossing the Golden Gate Bridge on her bike after riding 4,200 miles from New Haven CT, for the Yale Habitat for Humanity Bicycle Challenge.

  5. Current superpower — finding the secret chocolate stash. Superpower she’s still working on: going back in time to not have eaten the whole stash.


The Sunlight Tax team

Mark De Leon

Mark is an Industrial Engineer from the Philippines.

Although his career and educational background is a little on the technical ​side, he always enjoyed the virtual space along with his love for designing graphics, creative writing, and social media content creation.

He also run a food blog called Glutton Club where he features small businesses, local restaurants ​and the culinary scenes within and outside of Manila.

In his free time, you'll find him at a coffee shop with a book -- trying to get ​inspired or re-inspired.


TAX Advisor

Orion Martin is a Brooklyn-based tax advisor who specializes in working with artists and freelancers. His goal is to make taxes as stress free as possible so clients can get back to all of the other exciting things they are doing. When he's not working at Sunlight Tax, Orion manages Paradise Systems, a publisher of comics from the underground comics community in China. He also loves puzzles, cats, and audio books.