Individual Income Tax Checklist
For taxpayer and spouse:
Full name
Social Security Number
Date of birth
Street address
E-mail addresses
Phone number
Filing status (single, married filing jointly, head of household, or married filing separately)
Bank name, account type (checking, savings or IRA), routing and account numbers for direct deposit of refund or direct debit of taxes due
Do you wish to allocate $3 to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund?
Would you like your tax due direct debited? Would you like your refund direct deposited? Would you like your estimated quarterly taxes, if applicable, direct debited?
Mandatory for NY clients: license or ID number; the issuing state; the issue and expiration dates; and, for NYS-issued licenses and IDs only, the document number (bottom right, or on the back). If you don't have a driver's license or state-issued ID, please indicate. This is optional but recommended also for: MA,CA,LA,IL,MO,NJ,OH,KS,OR,VA. (They say it makes refunds faster)
Please provide a copy of your last year’s income tax return
Please provide a signed copy of my Engagement Letter.
For each dependent for which you may claim a tax exemption:
Full name
Social Security Number
Date of birth
Relationship to taxpayer
Salaries and wages – Form W-2
Interest – Form 1099-INT
Dividends – Form 1099-DIV
Stock sales – Form 1099-B* *Please provide your cost basis if not shown on Form 1099-B.
State income tax refunds
Unemployment compensation – Form 1099-G
Social Security benefits – Form SSA-1099
Pension benefits or IRA distributions – Form 1099-R
Cancellation of indebtedness – Form 1099-C
Miscellaneous income: jury duty, gambling winnings, Medical Savings Account, scholarships, hobbies, etc.
Any other “official looking” documents not listed above
Business income and expenses:
Partnership/Multi-Member LLC – Schedule K-1
S-Corporation – Schedule K-1
Trust or estate – Schedule K-1
Sole Proprietorship/Single-Member LLC – Please provide the following:
Your business name, address, and EIN (if you have one)
Brief description of the business’ principal activity, and product or service
Gross receipts or sales (ie, total income)
Beginning and ending amount of inventory, plus purchases made for the year (For printmakers, jewelry-makers, and others outside the category of "Independent Artists, Writers and Performers")
Expenses, including but not limited to:
asset purchases (such as phones, computers, or equipment): provide date purchased, price, and description
contract labor (amounts you paid people to work for you)
dues or subscriptions
insurance premiums (including health)
legal and accounting fees
professional development
taxes and licenses
telephone & internet
website hosting
for home office, please provide:
total square footage of your home and
the square footage of your office space
Please indicate the date you began using your home office for business
If you use your vehicle for business purposes, please:
indicate the date you began using your vehicle in your business, and
either: a) the total actual expenses, such as gas, repairs, lease payments, etc.,
or b) both total miles and business miles driven this year
Rental income and expenses:
Physical address of each property
Number of days rented during the year, per property
Number of personal-use days during the year, per property
Type of property (single-family residence, multi-family residence, vacation rental, commercial)
Gross rents received per property
Expenses per property, including but not limited to: advertising, cleaning and maintenance, management fees, legal and professional fees, mortgage interest paid, insurance, repairs, supplies, and utilities
Did you buy or sell a house or other real estate? If so, please provide a copy of the HUD settlement statement.
Did you make any energy-efficient home improvements? Please include a copy of receipts. (solar, windows, etc.)
Did you earn any income outside of the United States? If so, please provide details.
Did you have a foreign bank account in 2016? Please provide foreign bank account information - location, name of bank, account number, peak value of account during the year.
Did you receive any letters or notices from the IRS last year? If so, please provide copies.
Did you move last year? If so, was it for work and did you have unreimbursed moving expenses?
Did you receive or pay alimony? If so, please provide details.
Did you adopt a child? If so, please provide details.
Did you suffer a catastrophic loss (theft, natural disaster)? Please provide details, including amount of insurance reimbursements.
Health insurance coverage
Please provide Form 1095-A if you received one.
If you did not receive a Form 1095-A, please provide documentation demonstrating that you had qualifying health care coverage for all members of your tax household during the year
For any month that you did not have qualifying coverage, please provide the Exemption Certificate Number (ECN) that you received from the Marketplace.
Child care expenses
For each provider, please list the name, address, amount paid, and federal tax ID number.
Medical (this applies to you only if you itemize, and expenses exceeded 10% of your income, 7.5% if over age 65)
Insurance premiums
Fees paid to physicians & dentists
Medicine & prescriptions
Miles driven for medical care
Taxes paid
State and local income
Real property
Personal property
Interest paid
Please provide Form(s) 1098 for mortgage interest and student loan interest.
Charitable contributions
For each charity, please provide the name, address, and amount donated.
Other contributions
Taxpayer IRA Contributions
□Traditional □Roth $____________ Date(s) paid: _____________
Spouse IRA Contributions
□Traditional □Roth $______________ Date(s) paid: ______________
Taxpayer health savings account (HSA) contribution
$___________ Date(s) paid: ____________
Spouse health savings account (HSA) contribution
$_____________ Date(s) paid: ____________
Estimated income tax payment amounts
1st Quarter IRS: ________________State: ______________________
2nd Quarter IRS: ________________State: ______________________
3rd Quarter IRS: ________________State: ______________________
4th Quarter IRS: ________________State: ______________________
Are there any questions or concerns you have about your taxes this year? Please note.