FAQs/how to work with us
We’re not a traditional accounting firm. We focus on what we do best: teaching creative people to take control of their own finances through our flagship program, Money Bootcamp. We’re passionate about empowering the individual so you can make bold work, grow your business with confidence, and have a bigger impact. Money Bootcamp allows us to give creative people access to tools that are normally only accessible through much more expensive one-on-one time with an accountant. If you’re looking for a traditional accounting firm to do these things for you, we recommend finding a traditional accounting firm.
Money Bootcamp is designed for anyone who is their own boss, and especially if you are creative. The modules inside it teach you our system to set up your own bookkeeping (using tax-smart categories to save you tons of recalculating time), get your tax documents organized, get you set up with paying your estimated quarterly taxes, start your savings plans and get you building your “freedom fund” with the money you already have (as opposed to hustling for more) using the Power Triangle of tax-advantaged accounts, smart planning, and investing. We like to say, “don’t hustle, don’t compromise, just organize.”
We know these financial tools are especially important for people who never got a financial education, or who feel like outsiders to the world of money and finance, including women/femmes, BIPOC, queer folks, first-generation Americans and other historically marginalized groups. And creative weirdos count here, too.
We believe that creative people and creative small businesses are doing the empathy-building and problem-solving work that will change our world for the better. And that’s why it’s especially important that you have money. We want you to have a bigger impact with your work by having more financial freedom. You are the reason we do what we do.
We don’t speak to international tax situations, and we don’t cover sales tax (although we do have resources to point you to for sales tax)
If you have an S Corp, C Corp or Partnership, we generally don’t teach to those issues. Money Bootcamp is geared towards people who file a Schedule C. (And that absolutely still applies to you if you are a single-member LLC).
We open Money Bootcamp twice per year. If you’re a newsletter subscriber, you will be first to know when we do open. (Plus you’ll get tips and resources that will help you in your creative life)
If you need bookkeeping (which we don’t do), we recommend these lovely people: Marissa Domanski, Rose Lulis, Girls with Figures
If you are looking for a tax preparer, I am no longer preparing individual tax returns, just doing tax consults to discuss tax issues. I can recommend the following very nice people for tax prep: Orion Martin, who also does one-on-one calls for clients at Sunlight Tax, Brass Taxes, and Steven Zelin, CPA. If you reach out to one of them, please tell them Sunlight Tax sent you.