Tax and Money Education for Creative People, Freelancers and Solopreneurs

5 Invisible Things in My Business


This week on the podcast, I’m sharing some of the invisible aspects of running my tax business and some of the hard stuff that I’ve had to overcome while running my business and podcast.

Join me in this episode to learn more about my entrepreneurial journey and what I’ve learned along the way.


This week on the podcast, I’m sharing some of the invisible aspects of running my tax business and some of the hard stuff that I’ve had to overcome while running my business and podcast. 


Join me in this episode to learn more about my entrepreneurial journey and what I’ve learned along the way. 


Also mentioned in today’s episode: 

  • My struggle with perfectionism 2:05

  • My superpower when it comes to taxes and what I struggle with 8:26

  • What I've chosen to prioritize in business 13:35

If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, review and share it! 


Free 20 Minute Course on Filing your BOI Report for LLCs:

IRS Proof Your Business Deductions

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My Hidden Agenda


The Sunlight Podcast has made it to 100 episodes and for this special episode I’m celebrating by sharing what I truly believe in and my biggest motivators in this life. I want to give you a little bit of an inside look at what inspires some of the podcasts episode topics and what I am hoping to put back into the world. 

Join me in this very special episode to hear what truly matters to me and why I’m so passionate about these topics. 


The Sunlight Podcast has made it to 100 episodes and for this special episode I’m celebrating by sharing what I truly believe in and my biggest motivators in this life. I want to give you a little bit of an inside look at what inspires some of the podcasts episode topics and what I am hoping to put back into the world. 


Join me in this very special episode to hear what truly matters to me and why I’m so passionate about these topics. 


Also mentioned in today’s episode: 

  • Civics, taxes and political engagement 7:30

  • Fairness and regulation in capitalism 15:00

  • My personal story with good government and why I feel so strongly about it 18:00

  • Inclusive government and representation 23:20

If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, review and share it! 


Free 20 Minute Course on Filing your BOI Report for LLCs:

IRS Proof Your Business Deductions

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Thoughts I've Had About Money

Thoughts I've Had About Money

Today, I’m sharing some thoughts I’ve struggled with when it comes to my finances, taxes, and financial knowledge so I can motivate anyone who may be experiencing similar challenges with money mindset in your business. 

Join me in this personal episode as I talk about how I’ve been able to move past fears and feelings of inadequacy when it comes to my finances and to hear some tips on how you can do the same. 


Today, I’m sharing some thoughts I’ve struggled with when it comes to my finances, taxes, and financial knowledge so I can motivate anyone who may be experiencing similar challenges with money mindset in your business. 


Join me in this personal episode as I talk about how I’ve been able to move past fears and feelings of inadequacy when it comes to my finances and to hear some tips on how you can do the same. 


Also mentioned in today’s episode: 

  • My personal thoughts on finances 7:23

  • Some of my most common money thoughts 10:00

  • Why you shouldn't let mistakes bring you down 12:30

  • The Fire movement 19:54

If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, review and share it! 


Save your seat for the free class, Make Taxes Easier

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How I Got Here: Interview with Kelly Bennett, Brand Strategist

How I Got Here: Interview with Kelly Bennett, Brand Strategist

This week, I’m sharing an interview I did on the Emerging Brands Podcast with Kelly Bennett. 

Kelly Bennett is a New York City based Brand Strategist who helps brands define their brand strategy and develop brand narratives. 

Join me in this episode as I talk about my business, how and why I started my company and some important parts of accounting you should know as an entrepreneur. 


This week, I’m sharing an interview I did on the Emerging Brands Podcast with Kelly Bennett. 

Kelly Bennett is a New York City based Brand Strategist who helps brands define their brand strategy and develop brand narratives. 

Join me in this episode as I talk about my business, how and why I started my company and some important parts of accounting you should know as an entrepreneur. 

Also mentioned in today’s episode: 

  • My background and why I started Sunlight Tax 4:49

  • Do small businesses need an LLC or an S Corp? 23:45

  • Money Bootcamp and how it helps streamline taxes and bookkeeping for small businesses 30:46

  • Financial empowerment and ethical investing 41:51

If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, review and share it! 


 Emerging Brands Podcast

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My top 4 ROIs (Returns on Investment)

My top 4 ROIs (Returns on Investment)

Today, I’m talking about some of the best things I’ve invested in during my time as a business owner that have brought me a good return on investment. I’m also sharing how you can determine if something will be a good ROI for you in your business.  

Join me today to learn how you can break through any mindset barriers you have when it comes to spending money and make smart investments that will bring you a good return. 


Today, I’m talking about some of the best things I’ve invested in during my time as a business owner that have brought me a good return on investment. I’m also sharing how you can determine if something will be a good ROI for you in your business.  

Join me today to learn how you can break through any mindset barriers you have when it comes to spending money and make smart investments that will bring you a good return. 

Also mentioned in today’s episode: 

  • Thinking about money as an artist 2:22

  • Some of the best things I’ve invested in 7:00

  • How can you tell if something is worth your money? 28:26

  • The value of Money Bootcamp 33:04

If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, review and share it! 



Join the free live class, Understand Your Taxes and Make Money

Book a free 15-minute call with Lisa Zayiha, coach:

Sarah M. Chappell:

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