Tax and Money Education for Creative People, Freelancers and Solopreneurs

Sunlight Podcast, Personal Finance Hannah Cole Sunlight Podcast, Personal Finance Hannah Cole

The Free Tools on Test Your Investing IQ

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In today’s episode, I’m talking about the importance of understanding investing fees and sharing some of the free resources and tools available that you can use to learn about investing principles and spot potential scams. 

Join me to learn more about investing and the long-term impact that fees can have on your investment return. 

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In today’s episode, I’m talking about the importance of understanding investing fees and sharing some of the free resources and tools available that you can use to learn about investing principles and spot potential scams. 


Join me to learn more about investing and the long-term impact that fees can have on your investment return. 


Also mentioned in today’s episode:  

  • The importance of diversification 5:20

  • My personal investment strategy 5:50

  • The impact of investment fees 12:26

  • and free resources available 19:00

If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, review and share it! 


Take the investing quiz 

Use the compound interest calculator

John Bogle (inventor of index funds) on fees

Come to the Money Bootcamp Open House

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Sunlight Podcast, Personal Finance Hannah Cole Sunlight Podcast, Personal Finance Hannah Cole

Owning vs. Earning: Why You Should Invest


Today, I’m discussing the benefits of investing for small business owners and historically marginalized groups, highlighting lower tax rates and talking about why it’s so important to invest for personal financial growth.

Listen to this value-packed episode to learn the best ways you can start investing today. 

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Today, I’m discussing the benefits of investing for small business owners and historically marginalized groups, highlighting lower tax rates and talking about why it’s so important to invest for personal financial growth.

Listen to this value-packed episode to learn the best ways you can start investing today. 


Also mentioned in today’s episode: 

  • Why investing is advantageous due to tax rates 13:23

  • Ethical investing 15:26

  • Tax advantages of investing 17:28

If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, review and share it! 



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Non-partisan voter registration poster/yard sign

Free class where I teach about compound interest

Money Bootcamp Open House

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Where To Put Your Money: First, Next and Last


In today’s episode I’m sharing some insights on managing your finances as a creative entrepreneur, and emphasizing the importance of an emergency fund, financial knowledge, and how you can avoid financial disaster. 

Join me today to hear some basic steps to control your finances and how you can start investing today. 

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In today’s episode I’m sharing some insights on managing your finances as a creative entrepreneur, and emphasizing the importance of an emergency fund, financial knowledge, and how you can avoid financial disaster. 

Join me today to hear some basic steps to control your finances and how you can start investing today. 


Also mentioned in today’s episode: 

  • Why you need an emergency fund 4:30

  • How health insurance and life insurance can help avoid financial disaster 5:50

  • Considering risk tolerance and timeline when investing 10:28

If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, review and share it! 


Check out my program, Money Bootcamp.
Check out my Free Class: Make Taxes Easier and Stash an Extra $130k in Your Savings

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Sunlight Podcast, Personal Finance Hannah Cole Sunlight Podcast, Personal Finance Hannah Cole

Why You Need a Safety Cushion


Today, I’m diving into emergency funds and sharing why it’s so important to have an emergency fund as a freelancer or a creative. I’m also giving you some quick tips on how you can prioritize your personal finance so you can start saving money for any unexpected emergencies today.

Join me in this info packed episode to learn how much money you should have saved and the best way to save it.

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Today, I’m diving into emergency funds and sharing why it’s so important to have an emergency fund as a freelancer or a creative. I’m also giving you some quick tips on how you can prioritize your personal finance so you can start saving money for any unexpected emergencies today.


Join me in this info packed episode to learn how much money you should have saved and the best way to save it.


Also mentioned in today’s episode: 

  • Why the money should be accessible and liquid 8:30

  • How much money you should have saved for emergencies 10:10

If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, review and share it! 


Download this free visual guide to your tax deductions

Need the deeper work right now? Check out my program, Money Bootcamp.

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These Are The Money Moves You Should Make Right Now, According to Finance Pros

2023 resolution: Get your finances right.

By Nafeesah Allen, Ph.D.

On the heels of the Great Resignation and the ongoing cost of living crisis, the current financial climate feels like a minefield. Predictions of slow economic growth in the U.S. and a looming global recession might, understandably, make you cautious to make big moves to fund your retirement, invest in the market, or even buy your forever home.

Because personal finance is never one-size-fits-all, we spoke to six experts to ask their must-do advice to start 2023 off with solid financial footing. Their perspectives range across savings, investing, retirement, and even tax planning, but each provides insight into the ways that keeping it simple in the short term can have long-term benefits.

2023 resolution: Get your finances right.

By Nafeesah Allen, Ph.D. | Updated on February 13, 2023

On the heels of the Great Resignation and the ongoing cost of living crisis, the current financial climate feels like a minefield. Predictions of slow economic growth in the U.S. and a looming global recession might, understandably, make you cautious to make big moves to fund your retirement, invest in the market, or even buy your forever home.

Because personal finance is never one-size-fits-all, we spoke to six experts to ask their must-do advice to start 2023 off with solid financial footing. Their perspectives range across savings, investing, retirement, and even tax planning, but each provides insight into the ways that keeping it simple in the short term can have long-term benefits.

Don’t wait until April 18 to start prepping your taxes.

“Mark April 18 on your calendar, because three different chunks of money all come due on the same day,” says Hannah Cole, a tax expert and agent at Sunlight Tax. “A little advanced warning helps you budget for it so that you don't end up messing up your personal finances.”

The first two months of the year are a good time to start reviewing your tax responsibilities and setting aside funds to make good on them by the April 18 due date. On that date, you’re on the hook to pay taxes on income earned for the prior calendar year, first quarter estimates for the current year (for self-employed people), and contributions to your individual retirement account. It's important to note that even if you get an extension to file your taxes, that only means you get extra time for your paperwork, Cole explains, but your bill is still due on April 18.

“Whether or not you actually owe quarterly taxes might depend on how much of your income is from your self-employment," Cole says. "So, if you're in the world of side hustlers, where you have a day job and most of your income is on a W2 as an employee, then you might not need to pay quarterly taxes.” However, April 18 should still be an important date to you, because it's the deadline to put money into your retirement account and reap associated tax advantages from a 401(k), IRA, or Roth IRA.

RELATED: How to Save for Retirement—No Matter Your Current Finances

Cole says she's seen plenty of people run into issues because they weren't aware, or didn't plan for, all of these deadlines converging on the same date. "They'll end up with good intentions to fully fund their retirement," she says, "But then they see that tax bill from the IRS and then they're like, ‘Oh, shoot the quarterly payment. I forgot about that too,’ which is additional.” Before you know it, your cash is gone.

So, start the planning process early (read: right now) and save up for the inevitable. April 18 isn’t the start of tax season—it should be close to the end.

RELATED: How Do My Investments Impact the Way I File My Taxes? Find Out on the Money Confidential Podcast

….read more….

This article first appeared on Real Simple on February 13, 2023

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