Tax and Money Education for Creative People, Freelancers and Solopreneurs

Radio Interview with Hannah

In January, Hannah appeared on WPKN radio in on the What’s Happening New Haven show for an interview with Bonnie Lykes.

Bonnie Lykes of WPKN radio interviews tax expert and artist Hannah Cole

In January, Hannah appeared on WPKN radio in on the What’s Happening New Haven show for an interview with Bonnie Lykes.

Hannah’s half of the interview is geared towards artists who are shy of numbers and self promotion. Hannah offers tax and entrepreneurial insights specifically geared for creative types. She discusses many resources to guide working artists through the realm of income tax.

If you’re interested, the first half of the recording is with astrologer Matthew Kenney. He explains the planetary influences of the past year and reveals better ones for the year ahead.

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